
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Rainbow at My Feet – My Adventure on Haleakala!

This is a work of inspirational fiction -  10,000 words On the first stretch of her 5-hour journey, she settled into her seat beside the window, she paid extra to enjoy the portal to the outside world while she flew. She watched people file in one by one past her row smiling at the few who made eye contact. Her ears were attuned to the duet of voices as these passengers found their seats and stowed their luggage. The metal clinked as people found their seat belts and settled in for the long flight. An older gentleman and a woman of similar age claimed the two seats next to her. Emma gave them both a polite smile and a hello as they stored their carry-on bags in the overhead and settled into their seats. At first, she thought they were a couple traveling together the older man helped the woman stow her bag before he placed his own in the bin overhead. They took their seats, settled in, and continued their exchange. Emma soon realized from their conversation that they were not together